Our Story

Proudly Indigenous-Owned

Goanna Solutions was created by Corey Brown, a Gamilaraay and Dunghutti man from Northern NSW. Corey established Goanna with the inspiration to ensure that all Australians including First Nations people, communities, and enterprises are able to participate in and benefit from the digital economy.

The Original Innovators

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are Australia’s original innovators. We are committed to effective collaboration with our partners in Government, Academia, Industry and Corporate to identify and actively support current and future opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

While Indigenous Australians have been inventive for over 60,000 years, unless more is done to assist in closing the digital divide, there is a real risk that their communities may not be able to fully participate in the new Digital Era. 

Australian Indigenous education has seen no change at the senior school level of mathematics, science and reading literacy as well as a continued lag in ATAR achievement over the last 10 years. With such a widening divide, many Indigenous students will be left behind and excluded from emerging opportunities in future STEM fields.

STEM careers will provide educational, economic and social sustainability and self-determination for Indigenous people – closing the gap in economic participation and, not only lifting the expectations of what can be achieved by Indigenous peoples, but, enabling us to play a role in creating our own shared future.


Given the opportunity to participate, we believe passionately that our peoples can thrive in the digital world and take their place in the economy of the future.


Our Pledge

Goanna Solutions intends to ‘close the digital gap’ by providing an enduring framework to deliver Indigenous people with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art/design and mathematics) education, training, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Goanna Solutions intends to realise a vision to:

  • Help Close the Gap in economic participation by Australia’s Indigenous peoples; 
  • Raise expectations of what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can achieve; 
  • Enable our partners and the wider community to play a role in creating a shared future with First Nations peoples. 

The Goanna team has developed a range of culturally appropriate pathways by which community can become active participants in the digital economy.


We support Australian First Nations individuals, communities and businesses to become active participants within the digital economy, and foster all the associated benefits that come from that.

Our team

The team creating change.

Corey Brown

Founder & Chair

Our Founder, is a Gamilaraay man from Coonabarabran. Corey brings expertise in partnership management and drives the vision of Goanna Solutions to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economic, social and cultural capacity building.

Andy Vidler

Head of Service Delivery

Experienced in technology, retail, investment banking, government and professional services sectors. Andy has developed a passion for transformative digital business solutions – the power of transformation through technology has encouraged him to turn his focus to utilising those tools for Indigenous economic development.

Anthony Hollis

A lawyer by training, is an experienced executive having held senior executive roles in Australia and overseas with A variety of businesses, as well as various board roles, including as a Board member of the Northern Sydney Local Health District. Anthony was a founding Director of Supply Nation and works closely with Indigenous-owned Integrity Health & Safety.

Zac Smith


Experienced Director with a demonstrated history of 25 years working in the staffing and recruiting industry. Skilled in Recruitment Consulting, Coaching, Sales, Executive Search, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).